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Comprehensive- Individualized - Collaborative

We believe that assessment is not a one-size-fits all process. Each student is unique, and each assessment should strive to recognize the strengths and challenges of the individual. Even more, a good evaluation helps to develop a plan to support students and includes recommendations for strategies and interventions in the school setting and at home.


Assessment can be an appropriate course of action whether a student has struggled for many years or has just begun to have academic difficulty. When children and adolescents are having trouble in school, this has the potential to impact many areas of their lives. School can become a source of frustration, homework can be a struggle, and many students begin to doubt their capabilities and experience a decrease in self-esteem. Additionally, there are times when an individual may be required to get a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation to receive classroom or testing accommodations. The most common examples are when applying for accommodations at a university, standardized tests such as the GRE, MCAT, or a professional licensing exam.

Developing a thorough understanding of learning difficulties and implementing a plan to address a student's challenges can lead to better academic performance, increased confidence, and improvements in self-esteem, setting the stage for better long-term outcomes.


The intake session is your opportunity to share your concerns and help us understand your child's background. We will ask questions about your child's academic history, medical and developmental history, and social and emotional functioning. We want to know about your child's strengths and interests as well as your concerns.

Suggested items to bring to the intake session include ​Recent report cards and progress reports, Section 504 Plans, Individualized Education Plans, or other academic support plans ,Standardized testing results ,Copies of any prior medical or psycho-educational assessments, academic testing, and speech/language or occupational therapy assessments, Recent samples of schoolwork, particularly examples of unedited written work contact information for any other providers from whom you would like us to gather additional background.



We personally conduct all testing with our own clients, as we believe that getting to know a student and directly observing his/her approach to the tasks is invaluable in developing a thorough understanding of how that student processes information and directly observing his/her approach to the tasks is invaluable in developing a thorough understanding of how that student processes information and learns.

A psycho-educational evaluation includes assessment of cognitive ability or IQ, academic achievement, memory, attention, and social/emotional functioning. We may also assess language, executive functioning, and other skills depending on the referral questions. The specific measures we give will be chosen after discussing your concerns, and our plan may change based on your child's performance in order to ensure that we fully explore all relevant factors. The length of testing and number of sessions may vary depending on the age and needs of your child, but most students are able to complete the testing in two sessions on separate days.


The feedback session is typically scheduled within two to three weeks of the second testing session, provided that all forms and materials have been received. Our goal during this meeting is twofold; we want to clearly explain the results of the assessment and share the picture we have developed of your student, and we also want to leave parents with an understanding of how to move forward with supports and interventions.

Only parents attend this meeting so that we can discuss the results and recommendations in a thorough and open way. However, we do understand that older students may be curious about the assessment results, and it is often advisable to share some of the information with students so that they can better understand their own learning and become good self-advocates. Some parents prefer to talk with their children themselves, while others express interest in having us share the results. When appropriate, we are available to schedule a second feedback session during which we meet with your student to discuss strengths, challenges, and recommendations.



After the feedback session, we will provide you with a comprehensive written report in which we summarize the results and make recommendations tailored to your child. Our goal is that our reports be clear, understandable, and useful in helping to communicate our findings and drive interventions both at home and in school. This report is yours, and you decide how you would like to use it. Many clients choose to submit it to their school, university, mental health provider, tutor, or others to share the client’s current needs and any associated diagnoses.​

Assessment Fees

Theses are all the Fees that we have regrading the Assessments.

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Private Psychoeducational Evaluation

We customize each assessment to fit our client’s unique needs.  Typically, clients reach out to us to conduct a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation focused on academic and executive functioning skills.  This type of assessment generally costs within the $2000 range, depending on the assessment battery needed.  Please contact us if you have any questions about the investment involved in your evaluation.  We welcome inquiries and would be happy to learn more about your situation and make appropriate recommendations for your evaluation.

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Independent Educational Evaluation

An Independent Educational Evaluation is conducted at public expense.  This means that the school district is directly responsible for the full cost of the assessment.  For the cost of the IEE to be paid for at public expense, a formalized agreement between the school district and Achievement Advantage must be reached prior to the initiation of services.  All evaluation components of an IEE are charged on the same fee schedule as a psycho-educational evaluation.

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Assessment of Giftedness

Our assessment  will be customized to meet your individual needs.  Depending on the type of giftedness suspected, the assessment battery can vary widely.  This type of assessment typically ranges from $1,125-$1,300.

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Post-Secondary Private Evaluation

Achievement Advantage conducts several types of post-secondary evaluations, depending on whether you are being initially diagnosed or have a longstanding history of learning concerns.  The nature of the evaluation can greatly impact the cost of services.  This type of assessment generally ranges from $1,500-$2,500 depending on the assessment battery neede.  Please contact us if you have any questions about the investment involved in your evaluation.  We welcome inquiries and would be happy to learn more about your situation and make appropriate recommendations for your evaluation.

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Customized Assessment

At times, clients reach out to us having already completed an assessment with their school or other service provider, but they need more specific evaluations to address their concerns.  We are able to provide a customized assessment to supplement an already completed evaluation.  The cost of this type of assessment can vary greatly depending on the situation, and generally range from $500 and up.  Please contact our office to inquire about this service and we can provide a more specific estimate.

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Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

  • Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item.

  • You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

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